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Product Momentum Podcast: continuous learning from the best minds in product leadership

50 / Product Problems Are People Problems

Christian Idiodi
Silicon Valley Product Group

  Whether discussing onboarding, the challenges we product managers confront in today’s upside-down world, or the benefits of being a “lazy” product manager, all problems boil down to people problems in this episode of the Product Momentum Podcast with Christian Idiodi. As a leader in the product world from the beginning, Christian Idiodi of the Silicon …

Christian Idiodi
Silicon Valley Product Group

49 / The Many Paths to Product Management

Lena Sesardic Headshot
Lena Sesardic
Consultant, Author

  There’s no clear career path to product management. And while that sounds like just another obstacle keeping you from your dream job, it should actually come as a comfort to all you PM hopefuls. Lena Sesardic describes why through the lens of equifinality. Equifinality simply means that the same end result can be achieved by …

Lena Sesardic Headshot
Lena Sesardic
Consultant, Author

48 / At the Intersection of Art and Technology

Headshot of Josh Anon
Josh Anon

Defining the product manager role is a moving target. It’s tough to put our finger on the skill set we need to land the gig. And then we’re not always confident about what to do once we arrive. In this episode of the Product Momentum Podcast, Sean and Paul welcome Josh Anon. Now a product …

Headshot of Josh Anon
Josh Anon

47 / Imagine A World Where Social Justice Reigns

Headshot of Andrew Branch
Andrew Branch
Measures for Justice

  In this episode of the Product Momentum Podcast, Sean and Paul welcome Andrew Branch, Director of Product Engineering at Measures for Justice (MFJ). MFJ, an ITX client and Rochester, NY neighbor, is a criminal justice research organization whose mission is to make accurate criminal justice data available and accessible to all – and to …

Headshot of Andrew Branch
Andrew Branch
Measures for Justice

46 / Whether Building Software or Snowboards

Headshot of Lesley Betts
Lesley Betts
Burton Snowboards

One concern we product builders often cite with our C-suite sponsors is their disdain for discovery. “We know what users want,” is a frequent refrain when we recommend investment in user research. Sometimes, even we fall victim to that flawed “we got this” mentality. When we do, we limit our own market exploration by rejecting …

Headshot of Lesley Betts
Lesley Betts
Burton Snowboards

45 / Motivation and Self-Determination Theory

Scott Rigby, Ph.D.
Immersyve Inc.

With so many touchpoints between Self-Determination Theory and software product development, it’s difficult to know where to begin. In this episode of the Product Momentum Podcast, Sean and Paul welcome Scott Rigby, Ph.D. to discuss the interplay between Self-Determination Theory and software product development. As product leaders strive to improve users’ lives, what better way to …

Scott Rigby, Ph.D.
Immersyve Inc.

44 / Is What I Am Building Ethical?

Headshot of Kasia Chmienlinski
Kasia Chmielinski
The Data Nutrition Project

What is an ethical product? In an industry whose mission is to build technology that does good in the world, you’d think that by now we’d have figured this one out. You know, develop a checklist of criteria that helps chip away at our assumptions and biases and answer questions like, “is what I am …

Headshot of Kasia Chmienlinski
Kasia Chmielinski
The Data Nutrition Project

43 / ProdMgmt101: The Influential Product Manager

Headshot of Ken Sandy
Ken Sandy
Lecturer, Consultant, Author

What does it mean to be an influential product manager? In short, it means doing the job well. Easier said than done, right? The product manager is the one role in the organization who seems to own all the responsibility for getting things done, but none of the authority to actually do it. And that’s …

Headshot of Ken Sandy
Ken Sandy
Lecturer, Consultant, Author

42 / Shaping: A Different Kind of Product Work

Headshot of Ryan Singer
Ryan Singer

Product work is rarely (ever?) as straightforward and ordered as we’d like. It’s important for us as product leaders to embrace this fact and to plan for the interdependencies among all the moving parts. Shaping puts a name to this important work, Ryan Singer describes. We get clarity of direction from the guardrails Shaping provides. …

Headshot of Ryan Singer
Ryan Singer

41 / No Such Thing As The ‘Perfect’ Product Manager

Headshot of Alicia Dixon
Alicia Dixon
Apartment List

Not every product management role is the same. Each requires a different skill set balance, a different temperament, and a different approach to problem solving, and Alicia Dixon knows this. Why is that? Because users are individuals. Unique individuals. And while we share basic needs, ranging from physiological to self-actualization, each of us draws satisfaction …

Headshot of Alicia Dixon
Alicia Dixon
Apartment List

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